All American – Enfield
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How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

Humans Are Social Beings Famous Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle once wrote, “Man is by nature a social animal.” Although human history has come a long way since Aristotle’s heyday, even modern scientists agree that humans are social beings. Belonging to a community and engaging with other people is how we thrive. Yet, as we […]

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How to Transition Alzheimer’s Patients Into Memory Care

Later in life, your loved one may need your help with entering a new stage of life and new community. This transition period becomes even more critical when your loved one is dealing with cognitive difficulties. A memory care lifestyle may be the best option.  Let’s look at how to help transition your loved ones […]

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55 & Over Apartments: What to Look For

When you’ve decided to move into older adult-focused housing, there are many considerations to make. What sort of community you want, living options, and available amenities all factor into your final decision.  Friends or family may mention 55+ communities or apartments as a potential option for you, but what do they offer, and what should […]

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How to Talk to Someone with Dementia

Communicating with an individual who suffers from dementia or Alzheimer’s can be challenging. As the illness progresses, communication becomes increasingly difficult as they struggle to remember ideas, articulate their thoughts, and manage their emotions.  Despite these struggles, it’s incredibly important to continue to communicate with these individuals, as those relationships help promote better self-esteem, sense […]

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Benefits of Staying Hydrated During the Hot Summer Months

The summer months are a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family! Between the beach, the patio dinners, and the outdoor activities—there is no shortage of ways you can spend time out in the beautiful weather. One way to make sure you’re enjoying the warm weather is to ensure that you’re getting enough […]

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